⚛ Formik

👋 FYI, this note is over 6 months old. Some of the content may be out of date.
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Simple example Jump to heading

import { Formik, ErrorMessage, ErrorMessage, FormikHelpers, Form } from 'formik'

interface SignupFormValues {
email: string
password: string
firstName: string
lastName: string

export const SignupForm = () => {
const [formError, setFormError] = useState<string>('')

return (
email: '',
password: '',
firstName: '',
lastName: '',

onSubmit={async (
values: SignupFormValues,
actions: FormikHelpers<SignupFormValues>
) => {
// submit form data to API


{({ handleChange, handleBlur, values, isSubmitting, getFieldProps }) => (
<label htmlFor="firstName">First name</label>

<ErrorMessage name="firstName">
{(msg) => <div>{msg}</div>}
<label htmlFor="lastName">Last name</label>

<ErrorMessage name="lastName">
{(msg) => <div>{msg}</div>}
<label htmlFor="email">Email address</label>
<input type="email" {...getFieldProps('email')} />
<ErrorMessage name="email">
{(msg) => <div>{msg}</div>}
<label htmlFor="password">Password</label>
<input type="password" {...getFieldProps('password')} />
<ErrorMessage name="password">
{(msg) => <div>{msg}</div>}
<button type="submit" disabled={isSubmitting}>

Using Yup for validation Jump to heading

import React from 'react'
import { Formik } from 'formik'

interface SignupFormValues {
email: string
password: string
firstName: string
lastName: string

const InviteSchema = Yup.object().shape({
email: Yup.string().email('Invalid email').required('Required'),
password: Yup.string().required('Required').min(8).max(200),
firstName: Yup.string().required('Required'),
lastName: Yup.string(),

Common patterns Jump to heading

Loading state Jump to heading

Use the useToggle hook to manipulate loading state for your form. When used correctly, the Button component will show a loading indicator when the form is submitting.

// initialise the state
const [formSubmitting, , setFormSubmitting] = useToggle()

// change it when the user submits the form
onSubmit={async (values: FormValues) => {
setFormSubmitting(true) // <-- here
try {
// call your API to submit the form
} catch (error: unknown) {
// catch any errors
let errorMessage = 'error.unknown'
if (typeof error === 'string') {
errorMessage = error.toUpperCase()
} else if (error instanceof Error) {
errorMessage = error.message
setFormSubmitting(false) // <-- here

// use it on the button


Submission errors Jump to heading

Use a useState hook to set any errors that occur during form validation.

// initialise the state
const [formError, setFormError] = useState<string>('')

// set the error when the form is submitted
onSubmit={async (values: FormValues) => {
try {
// call your API to submit the form
} catch (error: unknown) {
// catch any errors
let errorMessage = 'error.unknown'
if (typeof error === 'string') {
errorMessage = error.toUpperCase()
} else if (error instanceof Error) {
errorMessage = error.message
setFormError(errorMessage) // <-- here

// Render a message if there are errors
{formError && <Alert variant="error">{formError}</Alert>}

Another aspect is to “disable” the submit button when there are validation errors. Use the isValid prop from Formik to determine if the form is valid, then set the isDisabled prop on the Button component. This will prevent the button from being clicked and show a useful message to the user notifying them of the issue.

sx={{ mt: 2 }}
disabledText="Please fix the form validation errors"


Validation Jump to heading

Use the Yup library to validate the form. It is used in many forms in the app.

Create your form schema:

const FormSchema = Yup.object().shape({
email: Yup.string().email('Invalid email').required('Required'),
password: passwordValidation,

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