
👋 FYI, this note is over 6 months old. Some of the content may be out of date.
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Basic example Jump to heading


useImmer Jump to heading

import React from 'react'
import { useImmer } from 'use-immer'

function App() {
const [person, updatePerson] = useImmer({
name: 'Michel',
age: 33,

function updateName(name) {
updatePerson((draft) => { = name

function becomeOlder() {
updatePerson((draft) => {

return (
<div className="App">
{} ({person.age})
onChange={(e) => {


<br />
<button onClick={becomeOlder}>Older</button>

Update patterns Jump to heading

Object mutations Jump to heading

import produce from 'immer'

const todosObj = {
id1: { done: false, body: 'Take out the trash' },
id2: { done: false, body: 'Check Email' },

// add
const addedTodosObj = produce(todosObj, (draft) => {
draft['id3'] = { done: false, body: 'Buy bananas' }

// delete
const deletedTodosObj = produce(todosObj, (draft) => {
delete draft['id1']

// update
const updatedTodosObj = produce(todosObj, (draft) => {
draft['id1'].done = true

Array mutations Jump to heading

import produce from 'immer'

const todosArray = [
{ id: 'id1', done: false, body: 'Take out the trash' },
{ id: 'id2', done: false, body: 'Check Email' },

// add
const addedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, (draft) => {
draft.push({ id: 'id3', done: false, body: 'Buy bananas' })

// delete by index
const deletedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, (draft) => {
draft.splice(3 /*the index */, 1)

// update by index
const updatedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, (draft) => {
draft[3].done = true

// insert at index
const updatedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, (draft) => {
draft.splice(3, 0, { id: 'id3', done: false, body: 'Buy bananas' })

// remove last item
const updatedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, (draft) => {

// remove first item
const updatedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, (draft) => {

// add item at the beginning of the array
const addedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, (draft) => {
draft.unshift({ id: 'id3', done: false, body: 'Buy bananas' })

// delete by id
const deletedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, (draft) => {
const index = draft.findIndex((todo) => === 'id1')
if (index !== -1) draft.splice(index, 1)

// update by id
const updatedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, (draft) => {
const index = draft.findIndex((todo) => === 'id1')
if (index !== -1) draft[index].done = true

// filtering items
const updatedTodosArray = produce(todosArray, (draft) => {
// creating a new state is simpler in this example
// (note that we don't need produce in this case,
// but as shown below, if the filter is not on the top
// level produce is still pretty useful)
return draft.filter((todo) => todo.done)

Nested data structures Jump to heading

import produce from 'immer'

// example complex data structure
const store = {
users: new Map([
name: 'Michel',
todos: [
title: 'Get coffee',
done: false,

// updating something deeply in-an-object-in-an-array-in-a-map-in-an-object:
const nextStore = produce(store, (draft) => {
draft.users.get('17').todos[0].done = true

// filtering out all unfinished todo's
const nextStore = produce(store, (draft) => {
const user = draft.users.get('17')
// when filtering, creating a fresh collection is simpler than
// removing irrelvant items
user.todos = user.todos.filter((todo) => todo.done)

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