⚛ React TypeScript

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React TypeScript cheatsheet is my bible for all React/TypeScipt things

Functional components Jump to heading

  1. Your own types
  2. VoidFunctionComponent or VFC
  3. FunctionComponent or FC

1. Your own type Jump to heading

This is the preferred method, as described here, for typing your React components.

import type { ReactNode } from 'react'

interface AppProps {
message: string

const App = ({ message }: AppProps): JSX.Element => <div>{message}</div>

If you need to type children, you can add the types like so:

import type { ReactNode } from 'react'

interface AppProps {
message: string
children: ReactNode // or whatever type you want

const App = ({ message, children }: AppProps): JSX.Element => (

2. FunctionComponent or FC Jump to heading

Using FunctionComponent or FC is discouraged because it defines children as an optional prop. In most cases you would want to be explicit about how children are used. It also defines children as ReactNode which is a very broad type. So you may want to define children as ReactText instead which is number | string.

import type { FC } from 'react'

interface AppProps {
message: string

const App: FC<AppProps> = ({ message }) => <div>{message}</div>

3. VoidFunctionComponent or VFC Jump to heading

Using VoidFunctionComponent or VFC is slightly better than FunctionComponent because you have to explicitly define children type, but if you’re doing that, you might as well use option 1 above instead.

import type { FC } from 'react'

interface AppProps {
message: string

const App: FC<AppProps> = ({ message }) => <div>{message}</div>

Basic prop type examples Jump to heading

type AppProps = {
message: string
count: number
disabled: boolean
/** array of a type! */
names: string[]
/** string literals to specify exact string values, with a union type to join them together */
status: 'waiting' | 'success'
/** any object as long as you dont use its properties (NOT COMMON but useful as placeholder) */
obj: object
obj2: {} // almost the same as `object`, exactly the same as `Object`
/** an object with any number of properties (PREFERRED) */
obj3: {
id: string
title: string
/** array of objects! (common) */
objArr: {
id: string
title: string
/** a dict object with any number of properties of the same type */
dict1: {
[key: string]: MyTypeHere
dict2: Record<string, MyTypeHere> // equivalent to dict1
/** any function as long as you don't invoke it (not recommended) */
onSomething: Function
/** function that doesn't take or return anything (VERY COMMON) */
onClick: () => void
/** function with named prop (VERY COMMON) */
onChange: (id: number) => void
/** alternative function type syntax that takes an event (VERY COMMON) */
onClick(event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>): void
/** an optional prop (VERY COMMON!) */
optional?: OptionalType

Useful prop type examples Jump to heading

export declare interface AppProps {
children1: JSX.Element // bad, doesnt account for arrays
children2: JSX.Element | JSX.Element[] // meh, doesn't accept strings
children3: React.ReactChildren // despite the name, not at all an appropriate type; it is a utility
children4: React.ReactChild[] // better, accepts array children
children: React.ReactNode // best, accepts everything (see edge case below)
functionChildren: (name: string) => React.ReactNode // recommended function as a child render prop type
style?: React.CSSProperties // to pass through style props
onChange?: React.FormEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> // form events! the generic parameter is the type of event.target
onChange?: React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement> // event.currentTarget.value
onChange?: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement> // event.target.value
// more info: https://react-typescript-cheatsheet.netlify.app/docs/advanced/patterns_by_usecase/#wrappingmirroring
props: Props & React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'button'> // to impersonate all the props of a button element and explicitly not forwarding its ref
props2: Props & React.ComponentPropsWithRef<MyButtonWithForwardRef> // to impersonate all the props of MyButtonForwardedRef and explicitly forwarding its ref

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Event handling Jump to heading

Some class based examples of TS event handling can be found at

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