🎣 useRef

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TypeScript Jump to heading

When using useRef, you have two options when creating a ref container that does not have an initial value:

const ref1 = useRef<HTMLElement>(null)

// Or, if you are sure that ref2.current will never be `null`, it is also possible to use the non-null assertion operator !
const ref2 = useRef<HTMLElement>(null!)

The first option will make ref1.current read-only, and is intended to be passed in to built-in ref attributes that React will manage (because React handles setting the current value for you).

The second option will make ref2.current mutable, and is intended for “instance variables” that you manage yourself.

Example Jump to heading

function Foo() {
// - If possible, prefer as specific as possible. For example, HTMLDivElement
// is better than HTMLElement and way better than Element.
// - Technical-wise, this returns RefObject<HTMLDivElement>
const divRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)

useEffect(() => {
// Note that ref.current may be null. This is expected, because you may
// conditionally render the ref-ed element, or you may forgot to assign it
if (!divRef.current) throw Error('divRef is not assigned')

// Now divRef.current is sure to be HTMLDivElement

// Give the ref to an element so React can manage it for you
return <div ref={divRef}>etc</div>

Strongly Type useRef with ElementRef Jump to heading

import { useRef, ElementRef } from 'react'

const Component = () => {
const audioRef = useRef<ElementRef<'audio'>>(null)

return <audio ref={audioRef}>Hello</audio>


import { OtherComponent } from './other-component'
import React, { useRef, ElementRef } from 'react'

// Pass it in via typeof!
type OtherComponentRef = ElementRef<typeof OtherComponent>

const Component = () => {
const ref = useRef<OtherComponentRef>(null)

return <OtherComponent ref={ref}>Hello</OtherComponent>

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