VIM cheatsheet

👋 FYI, this note is over 6 months old. Some of the content may be out of date.
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Cheatsheets Jump to heading

Substitute or Find/Replace Jump to heading

To find each occurrence of ‘pick’ in the current line only, and replace it with ‘s’, enter (first press Esc key and type):


To find and replace all occurrences of ‘pick’ with ‘s’, enter:


To find and replace all occurrences of ‘pick’ with ‘s’, but ask for confirmation first, enter:


To find and replace all occurrences of case insensitive ‘eth1’ with ‘br1’, enter:


The above example will find eth1, ETH1, eTh1, ETh1 and so on and replace with br1. To find and replace all occurrences of ‘eth1’ with ‘br1’ for lines from 3 to 7, enter:


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